Educational transformations for facilitating sustainable personal, social, and institutional renewal in the digital age.
The youth are our most important resource for future sustainable development. The Growing Mind -project aims at producing means for the renewal and development of schools, teachers and students on the personal, social, and institutional level. The project aims for societal impact and brings to the forefront the challenges arising from digitalization on the social, personal and institutional level. The project activities are done in cooperation between school practitioners and academic research. The activities support the aims of the new core curriculum, students’ 21st century skills and teachers’ professional development.
The multidisciplinary Growing Mind -project research is carried out in cooperation with the City of Helsinki and schools. The research-based models will be disseminated throughout the country through the national Innokas Network.
Inquiries about the project?
Contact: laura.salo@helsinki.fi in Coordination, kai.hakkarainen@helsinki.fi or tiina.korhonen@helsinki.fi in Project Management.
Information for participating schools and students: https://growingmind.fi/kouluille
Growing Mind is funded by The Strategic Research Council (SRC) and is part of the Keys to Sustainable Growth (GROWTH) programme.
What we do…
We collect longitudinal data on adolescents’ learning and development; These target learning, motivation & engagement, digital partnership and wellbeing and the effect of digitalization on adolescents’ brain functioning. Our aim is to identify students at risk and produce means to prevent the risk of exclusion.

We implement interventions for empowering the learning, persistence and development of adolescents at transition points.

We create new pedagogic innovations that will utilize data collected in the project. The purpose is to include in teaching complex open-ended problems to be solved in cooperation and that will inspire creativity and innovativeness.

We utilize learning analytics for tracing personal and social digital learning processes.

We accelerate professional development by creating research-practice partnership.

Growing Mind -Project People

Growing Mind- Educational transformations for facilitating sustainable personal, social and institutional renewal (2018- 2023) is carried out in cooperation with the City of Helsinki Education division and the national Innokas Network and it is funded by the Strategic Research Council which operates in connection with the Academy of Finland.

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